What operating platform do I need to use Merlin Professional?
Merlin Professional is a true 32 bit application. It will run in Windows 95, 98 and ME, but we recommend Windows 2000 or XP.Do I need any previous computer experience?
If you got this far, you should be OK. A basic understanding of how Windows works is really all you need. We are constantly updating these Frequently Asked Questions, in order to make life easier for you.Do I need Internet access?
Yes. You will need Internet access, because Merlin Professional is Internet supported. We have found that if you e-mail your problems or questions, we can e-mail you back, usually within minutes, and you can then print the solution and take your time to implement the advice. Please note that Merlin Support is manned Mondays to Fridays 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. If you e-mail outside these times, please don't expect to hear from us until the following working day. You will, however, receive an automated response, which lets you know that we received your e-mailWhat if I don't have Internet access?
You can install Merlin Professional from the CD ROM without Internet access, but you will need Internet access to register it and is needed to confirm your subscription once a month. All support is done via the Internet, so you do need access to the Internet.Support Issues
How do I find out what version of Merlin Professional I have?
The Merlin Professional version number is at the bottom of the welcome screen, but it can also be accessed by selecting the 'Help' menu and clicking on 'About'. A third way of viewing the Version number is through Windows Explorer. Just find any windows file in Windows Explorer and right-click on the file, select 'Properties' and click on the 'Version' tab. You can now view all the version information you need.What if I get error messages?
Very rarely you might get an error message from Merlin. Error messages on computers are the computer's way of telling you that something is wrong. First of all don't panic! Sometimes the problem can be resolved simply by either closing down Merlin and re-starting, or even closing down the computer and re-booting.
If neither of these works, there are some questions you can ask yourself and the answers to which you can pass on to us. When does this error occur?
- Does it happen when I start the computer?
- Does it happen when I start Merlin?
- What was the last operation Merlin performed before the Error Message appeared?
Where do I find the install.log & phoenixlog.txt file?
Whenever you experience a problem with installing Merlin Professional or an upgrade we will need the install.log file which can be found here: C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional The server log file is called phoenixlog.txt and can be found here: C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional\ServerWhy do I have no EDI option?
This could be because you have not set this machine as the EDI machine. Click on Files\Preferences, click on 'Use this computer for EDI Transmissions' and follow the instructions.Reports & data location
Where do I find the Recalls data?
Whether you are merging your recall data to send out a letter to you clients, or you simply wish to view your recall data from time to time, you will need to be able to find the file called recalls.txt which can be found in the following location: C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls\DataWhere do I find the Due to Lapse data?
Again if you wish to find the due to lapse data file which is called DueToLapse.txt, you can fin it in: C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Due to Lapse\DataWhere do I save the Failed to Return report to?
The Failed to Return report is saved as an html file, which makes it easy to read using an Internet browser. The file you will need to save will therefore need the extension .htm in order to be viewed by a browser. You can place this file anywhere you want, but bear in mind that it is good practice to keep all your data files together in order so you can find them later on.Tip:
Make sure that you save your file with a sensible name, i.e. FTR-01-03-2004.htm since you might want to view the file again at a later date. Please be aware never to use any dots, commas in your file names, because your computer might get confused. Only use dots to separate the file name from the file extension. For dates use a hyphenWhere do I find the Payments Due data?
The Payments Due data file is called moneydue.txt and can be found in: C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Payments Due\DataDownloading & Installing Files
What does downloading files mean?
From time to time you will need to download updates and other files. This means that a file needed by Merlin Professional is located on our website and needs to be copied "downloaded" onto your computer. This is a very common and safe procedure which, depending on your internet connection speed, might take some time. Don't be alarmed by this, it is quite normal. As with all Internet downloads, make sure you use an up-to-date virus protection program, since there is always a small risk that you might download a computer virus. Whilst we make every attempt to ensuring that all our data is virus free, we cannot guarantee this since some viruses are easier to detect than others.How do I download a file from your website?
Let's for now assume you want to download a critical update. Connect to the internet and log on to our website (if you are reading this, don't connect to the Internet again, since you are already connected to the Internet). When on our home page, click on the Downloads page and follow the instructions. When asked to save to disc or to run the application chose Save and place the file in a sensible location. We suggest that you save the file to the My Documents folder. Please note that in order to run the file you should always remember where you saved it to. If necessary, write it down. Click on Close when the download is finished.How do I install a downloaded file?
First of all you must close down the Merlin Professional Server program (The green icon in your system tray - bottom right of your screen). Now, find the file where you saved it, in this case, in My Documents. Double click on the file and follow the instructions.IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you always back-up Merlin Professional before you attempt to upgrade and/or install any updates. Your data is part of your livelihood - treat it with respect.
Printer Callibration
How do I calibrate my printer to print GP17s?
Details of how to calibrate your printer are contained in the Merlin Tutorial, but occasionally it is necessary to 'fine tune' the settings.Try printing the calibration printout on to a GP17, rather than on to plain paper. The paper used for the GP17 is quite smooth, and the printer may not feed it in quite the same way as a sheet of plain paper and your calibration with plain paper will, therefore, be wrong for GP17s.
If that doesn't work, then you can "tweak" the settings you enter into the printer calibration window.
Align the text at the top left of the form correctly, then correct the text at the bottom right as follows:
Adjust the left and top margin by the number of millimetres the text at the top left is out, e.g. if text ends up 5mm too far to the right, then add 5mm to the distance from the left side of sheet entry. Similarly, if it's 5mm too low, then add 5mm to the distance from the top of sheet entry. Repeat until you've got the text at the top left correct. You'll have to print a test GP17 with text in it to check each adjustment.
If the text at the top left of the form is all right, then adjust the width and height values. For example, if the text at the bottom right of the form is 5mm to the right and 8mm too low, enter the width of the box as 5mm more than it is, and the height as 8mm more. If this doesn't work, try subtracting the number of mm that it's out. Again, repeat by printing a course on to a real GP17 until it is right. Note:
The problem may be due to the printer not printing consistently. This usually happens because the paper is drawn into the printer in slightly different positions each time. Make sure you set up your printer paper holder properly. Many of them have width adjustments, or you have to load the paper to one side or the other. Your printer manual should explain this. Check where the printer prints the text on several GP17s, one after the other. If it's always in EXACTLY the same place, then you'll be able to adjust it using the printer calibration option in Merlin. However, if the position differs from print to print, then no amount of calibration can help.
Internet Issues
What do I do if I get a socket error 11001?
You will get a socket 11001 error when Merlin is trying to access the Internet but no connection is found. For example you might see this error when checking your subscription or for new upgrades. It means that you're not connected to the internet. We suggest that you make a manual connection by double-clicking the connection icon in the Dialup-Networking folder in My Computer. Your computer can also connect to the Internet by double clicking on the Internet icon on your desktop.Network Issues
How do I share my hard drive with the other machines?
Double click on My Computer and right click on your C drive icon. Now select share as and share the drive as C. Tick the Full button under Access Type and click on OK. A little hand should now appear with the C drive icon in My Computer. Voilá - your C drive is shared.How do I find a drive of a network computer using network neighbourhood and copy a file?
For this purpose we will assume that your reception machine is called Reception and your surgery machine is called Surgery. We will also assume that you are trying to access the reception machine from the surgery machine to copy the file MerlinProClient.exe. Please ensure that Merlin is not running when you are trying to copy any files.On your desktop double click on Network Neighbourhood. Select Reception in Network Neighbourhood (if you can't see the reception machine double click on Entire Network and double click on the network you wish to view, i.e. Practice (if your network is called Practice). Now double click on Reception and select the drive you wish to access, in this case C. If you wish to copy MerlinProClient.exe for example, double click on C then on Program Files now on Merlin Professional. Now double click on the Server folder and select MerlinProClient.exe (click only once). Now click on the Edit menu on the top menu row, and select Copy. The next thing you need to do is to open the folder containing Merlin on your local hard drive (the surgery drive). To do this double click on My Computer, now double click on Program Files and again on the Merlin Professional folder. Now double click on the Server folder and click on the Edit menu on the top menu row, and select Paste.
Windows Issues
Where do I find Windows Explorer?
The simplest way is to hold down the windows key (on the keyboard, between Ctrl and Alt) and hit E.How do I see what's on my computer?
- Double-click My Computer.
- Double-click the icon of the drive you want to see. Windows displays the files and folders on the drive. Folders can contain files, programs, and other folders.
- To open a file or folder, or to start a program, double-click it.
Note: You can switch back to the previous folder by pressing the BACKSPACE key. If the toolbar is not visible, on the View menu, point to Toolbar, and then click Standard Buttons.
How do I open a file or folder?
- Double-click My Computer
- Double-click the drive that contains the file
- Double-click the file or folder you want to open.
You can use commands on the View menu to change the way files are displayed.
If the file is on another computer, double-click Network Neighbourhood instead of My Computer.
How do I open a file which is placed in My Documents?
- Click Start, and then point to My Documents.
- Double-click the document you want to open.
How do I copy a file or a folder?
- In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the file or folder you want to copy.
- On the Edit menu, click Copy.
- Open the folder or disk where you want to put the copy.
- On the Edit menu, click Paste.
To select more than one file or folder to copy, hold down the CTRL key and click the items you want.
To select a folder in the left pane in Windows Explorer, click the folder
How do I send a file or folder to a disk (zip-drive)?
- If you are copying a file or folder to a floppy disk or zip-drive, insert the disk/zip-disk in the drive.
- In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the file or folder you want to copy.
- On the File menu, point to Send To, and then click the drive you want to copy the file or folder to.
To select a folder in the left pane of Windows Explorer, click the folder.
Sending a file or folder to a disk sends a copy. The original file or folder remains in the original location.
How do I back-up my Merlin data with Windows?
You need to copy/back-up the data file of Merlin Professional to your back-up drive. The file is called merlin.str and is found in the following folder: C:\program files\merlin professional\serverThis file contains your Merlin data. You can of course back up the whole directory to your back-up drive in which case copy or back-up the following folder: C:\program files\Merlin Professional
We recommend that you use a ZIP drive or a re-writable CD ROM drive to back-up your data.
How do I create a shortcut?
A shortcut is a quick way to start a program or open a file or folder without having to go to its permanent location in Windows Explorer. Shortcuts are especially useful for programs, files, and folders you use frequently. There are three ways you can create a shortcut:How do I create a shortcut in a folder?
- In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the folder you want to create the shortcut.
- On the File menu, point to New, and then click Shortcut.
- Follow the instructions on screen.
How do I put a shortcut on the desktop?
- In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the item, such as a file, program, folder, printer, or computer, for which you want to create a shortcut.
- On the File menu, click Create Shortcut.
- Drag the shortcut icon onto the desktop.
To change any settings for the shortcut, such as what kind of window it starts in, right-click the shortcut, and then click on Properties.
To delete a shortcut, drag it to the Recycle Bin. The original item still exists on the disk.
How do I create a folder?
- Click the drive in Windows Explorer where you want to create the new folder.
- On the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder. The new folder appears with a temporary name.
- Type a name for the new folder, and then press ENTER.
If you want to create a new folder within a folder, click the folder and then follow steps two and three above.
How do I change the name of a file or folder?
- In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the file or folder you want to rename.
- On the File menu, click Rename.
- the new name, and then press ENTER.
A file name can contain up to 255 characters, including spaces. It cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * > < | To select a folder in the left pane of Windows Explorer, click the folder.
How do I delete a file or folder?
- In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the file or folder you want to delete.
- On the File menu, click Delete.
Notes: You can also drag file or folder icons into the Recycle Bin. If you press SHIFT while dragging, the item will be deleted from your computer without being stored in the Recycle Bin. To select a folder in the left pane of Windows Explorer, click the folder.
Where can I find out more about Windows?
There are lots of books, videos, CD ROMS and DVDs available on most Windows platforms. The easiest ones we come across is the "Dummies" series. Titles like Windows 2000 for Dummies might sound ominous, but these books explain procedures and sometimes more difficult things in an easy to comprehend and funny way. We don't recommend any multimedia titles, since there are so many and the choice is yours."Nothing Can Replace a Good Training Course"!
If you can, send your staff to a simple introduction to Windows course. Most local education centres offer these. It really is worth it, and we would suggest that two people in a medium sized (2 - 3 dentists) practice should really know the Windows essentials. Merlin Professional also integrates with the Microsoft Office suites. So this is something else you should have a look at, since there are many statistical things you can do with Office, using Merlin generated data.
You can also go to the Microsoft Website:
Microsoft Office Issues
Merlin uses Microsoft Office technology to produce various different reports, form letters (recalls) etc. In order for you to understand these issues we strongly recommend you go and find one of the many Office courses local educational establishments offer. It isn't difficult, but you will need to understand some terminology and procedures fairly comprehensively in order to get the most out of Merlin Professional. Here are some of the more common questions regarding working with MS Office.
Please note that although Merlin Professional is a comprehensive and well-tested software application, The ComputerSurgery Ltd cannot guarantee the performance of Microsoft products, just as Microsoft cannot guarantee the performance of ours.
How do I create a mail merge document using Word 2000?
Mail merge documents are documents created in MS Word, which use a standard text throughout, but get some data (i.e. personal details, addresses, recall appointments etc.) from another data source (file). Here is how it's done using Office 2000.
How do I create a form letter using Word 2000?
Merlin uses Microsoft Word's mail merge facilities to do recalls. Basically, Merlin generates a text file containing the patient data for the recall. Word then uses this data and slots the patient information into each letter.
- Create a letter or open a letter which you already use and on the "Tools" menu select "Mail Merge". You should see 3 steps.
- The first step is to choose the type of merge you want to do. In this case, it's a letter so click the "Create" button and select "Form Letters...". You'll now get the choice of using the letter you've created, or creating a new document from scratch. Choose to use the letter you've created by clicking "Active Window".
- Now you're at step 2, selecting the data source. Click on the "Get Data" button and choose the option "Open Data Source..."
- The next point is crucial - you MUST change the "Files of Type" from "All Word documents" to "Text Files" since Merlin outputs its merge data as a text file.
- Now click drop down the "Look in" list and navigate back up to your C drive, then into Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls\Data. You should now see the file "Recalls.txt" which Merlin generated. Select this and click the "Open" button. What you've done is tell Word that it will get its merge data from the Recalls.txt file which is in fact created by Merlin Professional. This is what "links" Merlin to Word.
- You may now get a message saying that Word found no merge fields in your document. If so, click the "Edit Main Document" button as we're now going to enter the fields.
- You'll now be looking at your letter again. Click in the document where you want a field to go and thus position the flashing insertion point bar. Notice that on the toolbar at the left there should be a button marked "Insert Merge Field". Click on the button and choose the field you want to insert.
- Repeat the insertion of fields wherever you want them, remembering to put in spaces where required. You can of course start with a blank document and type and insert fields as you go along.
- hen you're finished, save the document, with an easily recognisable name, into Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls. Now you're all set. When you run a recall in Merlin, it will show you the open file dialog box pointing into the Recalls folder and you can choose the document you just created, then Click on "Merge to New Document" on the Task Bar..
You can view the resulting form letters before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".
How do I create mailing labels using Word 2000?
- Open a Word Document and on the "Tools" menu, select "Mail Merge". You should see 3 steps.
- The first step is to choose the type of merge you want to do. In this case, it's labels so click the "Create" button and select "Mailing Labels...". You'll now get the choice of using the document you've created, or creating a new document from scratch.
- Choose "New Main Document"
- Now you're at step 2, selecting the data source. Click on the "Get Data" button and choose the option "Open Data Source..."
- The next point is crucial - you must change the "Files of Type" from "All Word documents" to "Text Files" since Merlin outputs its merge data as a text file.
- Now click drop down the "Look in" list and navigate back up to your C drive, then into Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls\Data. You should now see the file "Recalls.txt" which Merlin generated. Select this and click the "Open" button. What you've done is tell Word that it will get its merge data from the Recalls.txt file which is in fact created by Merlin Professional. This is what "links" Merlin to Word.
- Now Click on "Set Up Main Document"
- In the Label Options screen, find and Select the labels you use. Click on OK.
- You will now find yourself in the "Create Labels" screen.
Click on the label where you want a field to go and thus position the flashing insertion point bar.
Click on the "Insert Merge Field" and choose the field you want to insert.
- Repeat the insertion of fields wherever you want them - remember spaces and lines.
- When you have finished, save the document with an easily recognisable name, into C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls. Now you're all set.
When you run a recall in Merlin, it will show you the open file dialog box pointing into the Recalls folder and you can choose the document you just created, then merge as you do with recall letters.
You can view the resulting labels before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".
How do I create a mail merge document using Word XP/2003?
Mail merge documents are documents created in MS Word, which use a standard text throughout, but get some data (i.e. personal details, addresses, recall appointments etc.) from another data source (file). Here is how it's done using Office XP/2003.
How do I create a form letter using Word XP/2003?
Merlin uses Microsoft Word's mail merge facilities to do recalls. Merlin generates a text file containing the patient data for the recall. Word then uses this data and slots the patient information into each letter.
- Create a letter or open a letter which you already use and on the "Tools" menu select "Letters and Mailings", then select "Mail Merge Wizard" - ensure that "Show mail merge toolbar" is checked.
- Select document type - "Letters". Click "Next".
- Select starting document - "Current document". Click "Next".
- Select recipients - "Existing list". Click "Browse…"
The next point is crucial - you must change the "Files of Type" from "All Word documents" to "Text Files" since Merlin outputs its merge data as a text file.
- Now click the drop down "Look in" list and navigate back up to your C drive, then into Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls\Data. You should now see the file "Recalls.txt" which Merlin generated. Select this and click the "Open" button. What you've done is tell Word that it will get its merge data from the Recalls.txt file which is in fact created by Merlin Professional. This is what "links" Merlin to Word. Click "Next".
- You will now see the "Mail Merge Recipients" box. You can edit the list here or Click on "OK". Click "Next".
- If you started with a blank page, you can now write your letter.
To insert Merge Fields, click "More Items…" and ensure that "Database fields" is checked.
Insert the fields in the required place and order - remember spaces and lines.
- When you're finished, save the document, with an easily recognisable name, into C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls.
When you run a recall in Merlin, it will show you the open file dialog box pointing into the Recalls folder and you can choose the document you just created, then Click on "Merge to New Document" on the Task Bar..
You can view the resulting form letters before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".
How do I create mailing labels using Word XP/2003?
Merlin uses Microsoft Word's mail merge facilities to do recalls. Merlin generates a text file containing the patient data for the recall. Word then uses this data and slots the patient information into each letter.
- Create a letter and on the "Tools" menu select "Letters and Mailings", then select "Mail Merge Wizard" - ensure that "Show mail merge toolbar" is checked.
- Select document type - "Labels". Click "Next".
- Select starting document - "Label options". Click "Next".
- In the "Label Options" box, select the label you are using. Click "Next".
- Select recipients - "Existing list". Click "Browse…"
The next point is crucial - you must change the "Files of Type" from "All Word documents" to "Text Files" since Merlin outputs its merge data as a text file.
- Now click the drop down "Look in" list and navigate back up to your C drive, then into Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls\Data. You should now see the file "Recalls.txt" which Merlin generated. Select this and click the "Open" button. What you've done is tell Word that it will get its merge data from the Recalls.txt file which is in fact created by Merlin Professional. This is what "links" Merlin to Word. Click "Next".
- You will now see the "Mail Merge Recipients" box. You can edit the list here or Click on "OK". Click "Next".
- To insert Merge Fields, click "More Items…" and ensure that "Database fields" is checked.
Insert the fields in the required place and order - remember spaces and lines.
- When you're finished, save the document, with an easily recognisable name, into C:\Program Files\Merlin Professional\Templates\Recalls.
When you run a recall in Merlin, it will show you the open file dialog box pointing into the Recalls folder and you can choose the document you just created, then Click on "Merge to New Document" on the Task Bar..
You can view the resulting form letters before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".
How do I change information in a Word mail-merge data source?
If your data source is a Word document, you can edit data records and add new records and data fields. For example, to add new clients to a mailing list, you add a record for each new client. To add a new category of information to all the records for example, a fax number or electronic-mail address, you add a new data field.
How do I edit existing data records?
- Display the data source in the Data Form dialog box.
- Edit the records you want to change. To locate a data record you want to change, click Find, and then search for information that you know the record contains.
- To save changes to the data source, click View Source, and then click Save.
How do I add new data records?
- Display the data source in the Data Form dialog box.
- Click Add New.
- Type the information for each field, and then press ENTER. If no information exists for a particular field, press ENTER to skip the field. Do not type spaces in the box.
- Repeat step 3 for each new record.
- When you finish adding records, click View Source, and then click Save.
How do I add new data fields?
- Display the data source in a document window.
- On the Database toolbar, click Manage Fields.
- In the Field name box, type a name for the new field, and then click Add.
- To add the new field information to each record, click Data Form, and then edit the records in the Data Form dialog box.
You can view the resulting form letters before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".
Click on the label where you want a field to go and thus position the flashing insertion point bar.
Click on the "Insert Merge Field" and choose the field you want to insert.
You can view the resulting labels before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".
The next point is crucial - you must change the "Files of Type" from "All Word documents" to "Text Files" since Merlin outputs its merge data as a text file.
To insert Merge Fields, click "More Items…" and ensure that "Database fields" is checked.
Insert the fields in the required place and order - remember spaces and lines.
You can view the resulting form letters before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".
The next point is crucial - you must change the "Files of Type" from "All Word documents" to "Text Files" since Merlin outputs its merge data as a text file.
Insert the fields in the required place and order - remember spaces and lines.
You can view the resulting form letters before you print them or send them online. To do this, click on the File menu and click Print Preview.
When you have printed your recalls and are closing down the program, you will be asked if you want to save the document/template. The answer should always be "NO".